Ihr Produkt enthält einen Lithium-Ionen-Akku. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für unsere Produkte, darunter Tablets, Notebooks und mehr, entschieden haben. Damit Sie die optimale Leistung und Lebensdauer Ihrer Lithium-Ionen-Batterien gewährleisten können, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die folgenden Richtlinien für das Laden und den Umgang mit den Batterien zu befolgen:

  1. Charging temperature:
    • Ideally, you should try to use and charge the battery regularly. It is not necessary to fully discharge the battery before recharging it. Lithium-ion batteries have no memory effect, so you can recharge them at any time.
  2. Charging cycles:
    • Idealerweise sollten Sie versuchen, die Batterie regelmäßig zu verwenden und aufzuladen. Es ist nicht erforderlich, die Batterie vollständig zu entladen, bevor Sie sie wieder aufladen. Lithium-Ionen-Batterien haben keinen Memory-Effekt, sodass Sie sie jederzeit aufladen können.
  3. Avoid deep discharging
    • It is important not to fully discharge the battery. If the battery reaches a very low charge level, please recharge it as soon as possible to avoid deep discharge, which can shorten battery life. 
    • For the longest possible service life, charge the battery as soon as the battery level reaches 20%.
  4. Avoid overcharging::
    • Our products are usually equipped with a protection mechanism that prevents overcharging. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to leave the device on the charger for a longer period of time after the battery is fully charged.
    • To ensure the longest possible service life, only charge the battery to a level of 80%.
  5. Extreme temperatures:
    • Avoid using your devices and charging the battery in extreme temperatures, especially in very hot or cold conditions. These can temporarily affect the performance of the battery and shorten the overall service life.
  6. Use original accessories:
    • Always use the original charger and accessories supplied or recommended by us to ensure the safety and performance of your lithium-ion batteries.
  7. Transportation and storage::
    • If you do not use the device for a long time, we recommend storing the battery at about 50% charge and keep the device in a cool, dry place.
    • For optimum longevity, a battery should undergo a charging cycle every three months (one full charge and discharge).

Please note that failure to observe these guidelines may affect the performance and service life of the battery. Please also refer to the specific instructions in the user manual of your device, as there may be slight differences depending on the model.